THE CHALLENGE: Rebrand an organization that has been maintaining Central Park quietly, with little fanfare or public funding for almost 40 years.

Our goal was to explain that 85% of Central Park’s operating costs come from private donations to Central Park Conservancy, not city funds. The city pays for the police and paves the roads. That’s it. We invited New Yorkers to make themselves central to Central Park’s welfare by making a small donation to the Conservancy. Once people understood that their money was critical to keeping the park pristine, donations poured in, quickly surpassing fundraising goals.

The rebranding consisted of everything from a new logo (The Park Mark) and tagline (“Central to the Park”), to print, OOH, web video, an app, and even new uniforms for the rangers.


Out of home

Out of home

Web film (pre-roll)

Official app of Central Park Conservancy (iTunes app of the week)

Complete brand identity overhaul